If you need to call a cell phone number in Italy, you would dial +39, followed by the 10-digit number. So, for example, if you were calling +393511126529, you would dial +39 3511126529.
How to call Italy cell phone numbers
If you’re trying to call a cell phone in Italy, you’ll need to use a few different steps than you would for a landline. Here’s a quick guide on how to dial Italian cell phone numbers:
First, you’ll need to dial the exit code for Italy, which is 00. Next, you’ll dial the country code for Italy, which is 39. Finally, you’ll dial the cell phone number, which will be 10 digits long.
Here’s an example of how to dial an Italian cell phone number:
00 + 39 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 9
If you’re calling from a landline in Italy, you can omit the exit code and just dial:
0 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 9
How to dial Italy cell phone numbers
If you’re trying to call a cell phone in Italy, you’ll need to know a few things before you can get started. Here’s what you need to know:
1. The country code for Italy is +39.
2. The area code for cell phone numbers in Italy is 3, 5, or 6.
3. The first two digits of a cell phone number in Italy are always 9, 8, or 7.
To call a cell phone in Italy, you’ll need to dial:
1. The country code (+39)
2. The area code (3, 5, or 6)
3. The cell phone number (9, 8, or 7 followed by 7 digits)
For example, to call a cell phone number in Italy that looks like this: +393511126529, you would dial:
+39 3 511126529
How to call Italy mobile phone numbers
If you’re trying to call a cell phone in Italy, you’ll need to dial the number differently than you would for a landline. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Start by dialing the exit code for your country. For example, if you’re calling from the United States, you would dial 011.
2. Next, you’ll need to dial the country code for Italy, which is 39.
3. Then, you’ll dial the cell phone number you’re trying to reach. However, you’ll need to omit the first 0 from the number. So, if the number you’re trying to reach is 0123456789, you would dial 39123456789.
4. Finally, hit the call button and wait for the person you’re trying to reach to answer.
How to dial Italy mobile phone numbers
Assuming you would like a blog discussing how to dial mobile phone numbers in Italy:
When calling a cell phone in Italy, you must first dial the Italian country code of +39. After that, you will dial the cell phone number omitting the first 0. So, if you are calling a cell phone number that looks like this 055-123-4567, you would dial +39-55-123-4567.
If you are calling from a landline within Italy, you do not need to dial the country code. You would simply dial 055-123-4567.
It is important to note that some cell phone numbers in Italy are only 7 digits long. In this case, you would dial +39-3-123-4567.
We hope this helps and happy calling!
+393511126529 3456849135 +393511958453 +393512305024 3509582567 +393509332361 351 230 5024 3509332361 3511958453 0669328449 3512305024 0209998026 +390305579261 3469800477 0289952272 0350460165 0209998020 3409996554 +39 351 1958453 3482358842 +393773912260 338 +393773021998 +393473464731 +393773182576 3509698593 393512305024 350 prefisso +393512079596 +390669328449 3509686069 3303388190 3303344580 3399957794 0158971492 393511171107 +393482358842 +393496349209 3350241589 348 prefisso +390350460165 0871553 +393345798231 3316447784 3488700734 3490693511 3452580473 3484246406 393509332361 3303399199 0235960066 3440288524 +393303645822 +393303347500 +390669328447 +393319995000 +390687805438 prefisso 350 3512079596 3490693511 3476760244 3469856452 393509698593 +393773021770 +393319997840 +393334849545 0697858700 3497568340 +393509582567 39119 0645231601 +393509698593 +390681925793 3514780096 0235967214 347 3509688341 3480049770 3492002020 +393501724248 3389634315 +39119 3407093619 3488462244 3480084742 0115524000 +393478469842 3333296430 +393441353953 3466446048 3475827444 3512387874 0247927419 3518995011 +390691714990 +393497568340 0690282129 0332766719 0409835400 3463525820 3512923483 3389631699 0239623790 3303645914 +393509688341 3511307685 40400 334 prefisso 3480052386 +393452580473 3381083460 3512923483 0221120171 +393488700734 +393773905929 +390221120156 3496349209 3338335515 0809190250 3511204100 3335777175 3316365096 +393517607643 +390239198659 066146704 +393499237834 3512486017 3509922058 +393399957794 3205303019 +390697620645 +393381535666 3511126529 0300961509 +390221120171 393509701842 08281670105 3756004410 at spa sms +393339019912 0669286013 3516707643 067023299 3350014763 3347422747 +393303388190 0681925529 0221120156 +39 035 0460165 +390409835400 366 prefisso 0497986708 +393335545900 3303347800 3381083460 351 prefisso 3330157896 0666055159 0230300659 3499875421 39159 +393316447784 +393499875421 +393332772806 +393316365096 390350460165 0239623792 3334741490 3511122642 02454001 3509999813 +39 348 2358842 345 prefisso 0245551000 04321451469 0239623793 3501596661 +393401674844 3209954000 04341909368 +390681925529 3760483304 04341909356 +393303345550 prefisso 349 43201 at spa messaggio 024532012 346 0223191040 at spa messaggi 3760483321 +390300961509 3510632628 0282957079 08119287953 427242 3511611776 3488701801 +393499179836 3517607643 +393339016624 3509218534 +393330157896 +393409996554 3499739580 0282811171 340 prefisso +39 351 2305024 08241812400 +393409991414 3399932665 prefisso 06 3334741490 +393451786023 3472868294 +393441379775 +393358563908 3512387435 3512387435 +39159 3916267001 338 prefisso 03421891517 3303348905 3482368650 350 +393347422747 023967775134 prefisso 393 800242314 3499776205 3333514585 0121097241 803160 0620192119 prefisso 351 06 prefisso 39 035 0460165 3512739360 0158977385 3479567901 +393475827444 3203121374 0280016506 +393480049770 0419690464 +393510500296 0994490115 320202543 +390239623790 +390687805969 0294567216 0497986704 0678563355 3303300890 4071160 +393501093056 0158977051 3335545900 3335646788 +393303344580 0312270983 +393459948558 +393339019662 393 3451786023 0583298110 3512755134 393509582567 02 prefisso 0669328447 3395029492 0230468200 +390871553 +393534400061 3200004200 393205303019 800575757 029996789 0294567213 0245076121 0289919170 3454343041 +393385756421 3406492254 351 1958453 0702041763 0661561694 +393492002020 3475237670 393939044557 3460888269 3791880909 353 prefisso +393511171107 3440168407 +390871553 339 prefisso 3345798231 3512305024 chi è 3760483159 0305579739 3509201833 366825910 3499803731 8938939013 prefisso 348 operatore +393499776205 3492541167 3501724248 prefisso 338 3395904126 prefisso 035 3773021770 0697637110 0697637110 +393486102648 prefisso 334 3512487580 3904341909368 3469785432 +393510951426 +393355174450 +393490694931 43201 sms +39 348 4246406 3534400069 08241812212 3509700482 0290723530 04341909345 081 prefisso 40134 3303134350 3773006245 334 prefisso cellulare 0221120170 3509368522 393316365096 telefonata da maglie 3478469842 3773182394 3945112 3501450329 10000000 0518060 351 195 8453 08119286374